Leafy Greens

Kale, also known as leaf cabbage, is considered one of the most nutrient-dense plant foods and has become increasingly popular due to the large number of vitamins and minerals it contains. Packed with Vitamins A, K, C, B6, Manganese, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, and Magnesium, as well as antioxidants, it really is a power house plant. A cup of raw kale contains more vitamin C than an entire orange.
Adding kale to your diet is easy – it can be used in salads or cooked with other vegetables, it can be added to smoothies or raw juices, and it can also be grilled with olive oil and salt to create kale chips. This is a perfect snack alternative for those on a low carbohydrate diet.
The nutritional benefits of spinach have long been known, who could forget Popeye the Sailor Man chugging down tins of spinach to give him his strength. This came about during the Great Depression, as the American government looked at a way to promote cheap meat alternatives that were full of nutrients.
Spinach has grown into a versatile leafy green vegetable, which can be bought canned, frozen, or fresh, and eaten cooked, creamed or raw. There are also various types of spinach available, each with a slightly distinct look and flavor.
Spinach is full of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, Folic Acid, Iron and Calcium and is recommended for eye health and cancer prevention.
Like kale, spinach can also be added into smoothies or raw juices, added to salads and vegetables, pasta, meat dishes, or eaten on its own.